
Distractions always help for me to trick my brain into doing something otherwise impossible to do. For instance, if I read something while listening music, I understand the lyrics, same way, if I read and concentrate on the music, I read like Flash. It’s the same with everything, I need distractions, but when it comes to that area, I’m the King. I’m not disabled, I’m specially abled. When it comes to performing intercourse, I don’t need distractions if it is bound by love, otherwise I need to trick my brain into doing something I don’t want to. Then how did I go this far in my academics, it’s partly because of my super memory, memory management, what to capture, what not to, I didn’t begin yesterday, I was doing from my first grade. Noone could pull it off like I did, learning everything on my own, such a difficult childhood. Plus, back-to-back tuitions which had no effect on me, I couldn’t even concentrate on what they are telling. No matter how much time I spend in classrooms, I was deaf to everything, I was always sleeping or dreaming, I can’t even stay in a conversation which I’m not interested, that makes people think I’m a bad listener. But things started to change after I began meditating, I meditated for hours and hours, only taking break for eating food, and the only thing I did was meditating from morning to evening, sometimes too far till bed time. It helped me become a good listener, to heal from all the damages some people have caused me, to open up at least in a paper. Now, I don’t think I’m that disabled like I used to be, thanks to all the Gods I pray to, things I never got the chance to explain to, I did it with the help of them. I was a perfect undercover agent, no one suspected anything, but I slipped because of some mentally disabled characters in my life, when I think about them, I’m many steps ahead of them, even if they are gifted with everything normal, they don’t use it, they are dumb beyond measure. Some people listen to react, not to understand. The problem with them is they are always busy, just ask them when is the last time they have sat idle, don’t ask anyone else, ask my brother, probably never unless there is a power cut off or his phone blacked out which never happens. It’s the same with most of the people around me. They are always after something, especially money, they got a restless mind always racing for money, we can’t say like that, we have to say greed for money. They have to admit, sometimes they can be wrong, they can’t be always right. They never asks this question to themselves, what if they are wrong?


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