The truth

Now, you have a proper understanding of where they stand. I was a prisoner there for four years, and I was on the edge of escaping there unharmed, but somehow, they got to me psychologically. I was making my future secure by chasing an answer, I had nothing going on within me. I don’t care what happens in their story, what ugly turns they take, it's all their doing and they have to deal with it. From the start of the day one, I was never participating in their drama, and they were living in their own fictional world. They were creating stories, stitching events, and tell me why should I care? It’s still the same, why should I care? All I want them to do is to keep their shit out of my life. When I was chasing those answers, I caught up in that drama, to tell the truth, they had assistance, still I had the feeling inside me that I was forcing myself, but it wasn’t enough, I started to take everything as a challenge, that’s where things went upside down and I promise there were no feelings involved. Once the air was clean, I was like always, happy and joyful. They had assistance all around from the air to the people in my home, and they were manipulating me effectively. Suppose, If I hadn’t took up the cause to get an answer, I would have struggled like I did something bad, however small that is, I cleared my path, and for that I had to pay a big price. And what I received in return is that I’m in a good mental space, no worries, always happy and joyful.

Even that answer finding quest was a manipulation of air. Otherwise, why would I even do that? I still have no idea why I did that? It was a total manipulation. When we pass on the road, how many people goes by, I would never try to find an answer with them, then why did I look for an answer with her? I have never even looked her for even ten minutes in the entire four years. When I look back, I still can’t believe myself.


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