The writing

The fragrance, it’s everywhere, and I wondered where this is coming from. So, I decided to open my eyes, and then I saw myself covered in petals. I stood up and looked around, the fragrance and those petals were calling me to somewhere. Then I started moving following the fragrance and those scattered beautiful petals. It took me to a place decorated with flowers, and they were whispering to me things I was waiting to hear for so long. I asked them about this place, and they were smiling. I took a step forward, and suddenly I’m in a room, and there was some writing on the wall. It told me “ Don’t wander around too much”. After reading it, I stepped out. As I was stepping out, I wanted to look back on the writing and ask more things. Now, when I close my eyes I dream of going back to that place, and asking more things about everything, those fragrances, whispers and those petals that lead me there. Sometimes, the room changes itself into some beautiful place where there are an infinite number of waves, and I just stare at them with that writing on my arms.


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