Everything happens for a reason

“Everything happens for a reason”, the cliche, people still use after doing everything. I don’t know why I started with that sentence. Maybe it’s irrelevant, but I want to see where that sentence takes me to. Sometimes, people use that sentence for a relief from all the problems, they stumble upon, or in other times they use it to mock after creating problems for people other than themselves. The one thing, they don’t understand is that what they are doing is leading that person  move to a bigger destiny, and unknowingly becoming the part of shaping up that person. Yeah, they can put that person to real danger. Still, they don’t consider the effects of their failure. Will it make that person weaker or stronger? It’s similar to the case of our body’s fight mechanism against diseases. After every win, our defence mechanism multiplies many folds, and if it’s done without any help of medicines, more effective it will become. 


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