Waking up

Alarm ringing! Tried grabbing the phone with eyes closed, and it didn’t workout. Opening the eyes seemed very difficult, but there was no other choice. After finding the alarm, the next thing in mind was whether to go back to bed or start the day. The former seemed the only possible one, not because of laziness, but of tiredness. 

Keeping the eyes open seemed like an arduous task. After a minute, everything went black.

Chilly wind touched the body throughout as if it was trying to wake up everyone in its way. Suddenly, the eyes opened.


It was somewhere near to the top of the hill. There was nothing except the trees and an yellow tent. It was beautiful outside. The dark blue sky lessening it’s intensity and the birds chirping, it all seemed liked the beginning of a perfect morning. Being at the top of the hill, overlooking every other areas, and the rising sun gave the best feeling in the world that goes beyond words. For about half an hour, it was peace. Not thinking about anything, just enjoying every bit of sunshine, and the warmth given out. It was rejuvenating. Feeling every bit of the surroundings, slowly closed my eyes and took a long breath of the pure air.

As it happened, I found myself back in bed, but with the same relaxed feeling, with no trace of tiredness. I said to myself “Good morning”.


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