
Coffee, I wonder why people are so obsessed about it. Yet, here I’m ordering one, I don’t feel anything special in it, just for feeding my curiosity. I can see people savouring each sip and that adds more fuel to my desire to taste it. It’s surprising that I stayed away from this magical drink all my life, for the reasons I’m still not sure of. I remember the first time I rejected the coffee, it was a Monday morning, I just felt an aversion to it, and then it became a habit, I rejected every time when I’m offered coffee. I can see people from here, most of them are sitting in pairs and I’m the odd one. Is it a ritual to sit in pairs when you drink coffee? I don’t know. They are talking endlessly over one cup of coffee. How do they talk this much with just one cup of coffee? I don’t think they are here for just the sake of coffee. Coffee is just a reason, they just want to talk their hearts out. Does the coffee make the situation more comfortable? Another paradox. Here comes my coffee, my first one. It’s not like I don’t have company, I have one, this empty chair. But, I shouldn’t be talking, if I do, it would be weird, right? Coming back to people, I came here twenty minutes ago and still no one left from here, they are just busy chatting to each other. Some are giggling, it’s a wonderful sight. If I had come with someone, I would have missed all of this interesting stuff. It’s a cheerful sight. Here, nobody looks gloomy or worried, maybe it’s because of the time. Mornings are always the best. Everyone just puts on their happy face and drinks the coffee with their dear ones. I wonder what’s behind their smiling faces, are they honest with their face? In some people, I can see sadness in their eyes, yet they put up a smile. Why? Are they hiding their sadness from their dear one? Why couldn’t their eyes and lips coordinate well? Why their eyes betray when they smile? All this happens over one cup of coffee and still they are endlessly talking. Let’s take a sip of my own coffee before it cools off. Still, the questions are endless. When I entered here, everything seemed perfect, everyone was happy and cheerful, but after spending some time here observing, I don’t think the same way. I can see suffering. They want to say something, but they couldn’t. I feel like they are trapped. Yeah, they are laughing and giggling, still sometimes they are lost in their thoughts. I can see it. Maybe they should sit like me with an empty chair and sort things out, let their eyes release what it is holding back. Then they can start smiling, the real one. Ok. My coffee just got emptied. I think it’s time for me to leave. Still, no one left and I’m the one to leave.


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