Where did I go?

When it comes to death, I’m already dead, I was murdered nearly ten years ago by almost everyone I know of. When I woke up, I was no longer the same. From then on, I’m living like completing the mission, let’s do this and going behind it and once finished, then to the next, no emotions, wounds still bleeding, but numb, now I feel like the missions are over, first it was hard to go on without a mission, that’s when I started praying, from morning to sunset, it’s the only thing I did, till Corona came and left. It was a time when everyone’s life froze, and I had nothing else other than to pray, and no one disturbed. Now my reactions have gone cold, nothing hurts, if something happens, then what I ask myself is oh well, what next, no emotional outburst, too much calmness like even if I get angry at times, it’s only controlled aggression like I can’t burst with full intensity like once I had. Like I’m not receiving the backup of every being inside me, like everything is pointless, like I know something I’m not completely aware of. I don’t know what happened to me, like there was too much potential, and now it has gone to sleep.


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