
My brother is sick, after everything, he is not willing to stop. Just imagine when he goes to a real job, the debt will be too large to handle. If he makes 10,000 per month, just how many months will it take to repay 1,00,000. He will be losing a large part of his life repaying. Why? One day, he asked me what will it take to earn respect from other people, that version of me told own a BMW and put it in the car porch. But that version of me has evolved, and my brother stayed the same. He wants to be respected by relatives and neighborhood people, but he is not willing to work for it. When I went for a job, he told me that I’m being a slave. When I went there, I saw how much easy is to make money by putting a little work. The problem is he never went for a real job, and from where he is standing now, it’s difficult to imagine working like normal people. He is playing with money, and the salary of people is too little for him. One day, it’s going to run out, then he will come down from the clouds where he is standing now. He has no financial security, if some medical emergency affects him, that's it. People will be crowding in front of the house. What he told me about his partner is she is a very supportive character, just like I once was. I used to believe everything he says and he was good at talking. He talks like a money chain agent, you will be amazed by the way he talks, and he wouldn’t ever admit he is wrong, and he will go any length to clarify his side. We used to have fights as children, in Malayalam we say, aadine pattiyakuka, that’s what he is. Even though we are right, in the end he will make it in such a way that we are the one who is talking bullshit.


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