Fake friends

If they can’t find a fault in you, they will magnify the petty things you say, creating the faults they needed and then publishes in the newspaper, this has been some people’s approach towards me. No matter how hard they tried, they were failing to find anything wrong in me and they had to really try hard to attack me. But, on the other side, all I cared was not to stop talking because it reminded me of my childhood, and they were so busy in twisting the words I say and making it seem like I said something really bad. I never asked myself why they were doing such things, I thought maybe I was the one who needed to change. So, I went down to their level, and they used to beat me with their experience. And I called them friends.

One day I told someone things about me, for I never wanted him to hear things about me from another person, maybe I thought he was my best buddy, and I was so relieved after telling him such things. But it was not totally true, I told him in favor of what I was going for at that time. So, I gave a little more weight to What I was aiming for. Truth saying, I still don’t remember exactly what I said at that time. When I go over and over about their characters, I’m very much sure that they would have twisted the things I said. Maybe they replaced me with themselves and would have thought about, what they would have done if they were at my position, and that’s where they were totally wrong. They saw me through their dirty perspective and called it facts. As days progressed, I got a clearer picture of them, for they cut me off, when I was at peril, they left me to rot, and they never tried to listen to what I wanted to say. They forgot me even after telling my situation at that time.


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