
Showing posts from February, 2022


I was running, riding horses, shooting arrows, and doing all sorts of things, before I fell deep into the ground. There, I found no one besides myself, and I think I stayed there for too long. But, one night during my stay, the ground below me started to lift up taking me with it. I sat there silently witnessing the beauty around me, seeing different worlds on my journey upwards. Some were saying farewell to me, and I could see it in their eyes. We wanted to hug each other, but there was no time left with us, and all we could do was nod. I hope someday their ground also lifts them up. Then I felt the sunlight, finding its way to me, the wind washing the dust off me, and I looked down, teary eyed saying goodbye to all the wonders I have found deep down below.


I wanted to move, but I couldn’t. Because, the weight was too heavy. So, I took the only option I had. I jumped into a canoe, threw away my paddle, and looked into the sky. The clouds were moving, and I just kept looking at them. Seasons changed, rain came, but it didn’t sink my canoe. I wanted to sit back and watch where I’m going, but this was all I could do, and I’m hoping that this heaviness doesn’t affect my journey for long. Sometimes, the birds find shelter in this canoe, and they talk to me about the things happening around the world. Right now, they are the only ones who care about me. As I float through these waters, I feel some relief, maybe I will get better with time. Until then, I will just keep floating. What if this canoe takes me to somewhere magical.