
Showing posts from November, 2021


It was 2:00 AM. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but I couldn’t. Something was not letting me. After trying for so much time, I finally gave up. I walked out of my room, and then, deja vu happened. A feeling like this had already happened, but I couldn’t predict what’s going to happen next. That’s when I felt the pain, something like a needle was piercing my upper hand, but I couldn’t see it.  My vision started to blur, and my legs were unstable. And I found myself back in my bed in the morning. I was very tired, and my eyes were heavy. I thought about last night, and came to the conclusion that it was a dream, but I couldn’t find the reason for my tiredness. After a few moments of pondering over it, I went to the bathroom for a shower. The water was cold, and suddenly I noticed something, a red spot in my upper hand.

The lake

The sky, it’s cloudy, and the sun was nowhere to be seen. I looked around, and the street was empty. Then, something magical happened. There was a portal in front of me, and it was calling me. I looked behind me, and it was still empty. I asked myself why I’m not seeing anyone? The only thing I could hear was the voice from the portal. I took a step toward the portal, and when I was just about to enter it, I stopped for a moment, but there was nothing except silence. So, I put my foot inside, and once I was inside, I looked behind, and that’s when I saw the street buzzing with the people. I couldn’t make sense of it. Why couldn’t I see anyone when I was in the street, and why am I seeing them now? Maybe they were blocking me from seeing them. What could be the reason? I’m sure there will be a strong reason. Why can’t they talk to me about it? Maybe someday they will talk about it, when they realise they were wrong. But, I can’t wait until then. Right now, all I need to do is to tell th