Keep going!

I checked the time, it was 7:15 AM which means I missed the bus. There was a time when I used to worry about such simple things, but now I don’t feel any of it. Well, it was my first day at work, and my only bus to that place. Still, it doesn’t bother me, for there is always another day and a different job waiting for me. And this is not the end of the world, but maybe the end of my first job. 

Looking out, I can see people rushing towards somewhere, and I stay there like a stone, smiling and pondering over what’s next? Then I remembered how hard I tried to get that job, and how quickly fate took it away from me. Maybe it was not meant for me or something greater is waiting for me. Who knows? 

I just stood there reflecting on the challenges I had to face getting that job, then I slowly started moving, one foot after another, watching everything that’s happening around me. Suddenly, something caught my attention, it was an ad placed so far away, and still enough for my eyes to read. And that really charged me up. It said “you are on your way, just keep going”. Reading that, I had a really good smile on me, maybe a better one than when I got that job. I just kept repeating that sentence in my head and kept going.


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