Those words!

It’s a long queue, and I’m here waiting in it for about half an hour. People are beginning to get frustrated, and there is sadness in their eyes, but sometimes I could see them smiling, like they are battling all their sadness for something greater. I’m told that once you enter there, you will see why all these people are enduring such pain. Waiting in this queue in this intense heat, I can see how difficult it is for them. Slowly, the people are moving, and with them myself too. I have my watch with me, but I don’t want to look at it, for it feels like five minutes an hour. So, I kept looking ahead, twenty five heads in front of me, some looking back, and some swaying with the wind. Thirty minutes passed by, and now I’m the second in line to enter the place. I could hear the noises from the entrance, and the person in front of me pounding his foot on the floor is giving me goosebumps, maybe it could be the excitement building up inside me.

I could hear screams inside, and with tentative steps I entered the place. This place felt like some kind of punishing ground, and those people who were in front of me were laughing their hearts out. I asked the lady passing by” what is going on here?” She said “ close your eyes and think of someone you hate the most”. I did and there they are, in front of me, just like I imagined. Then she said “ Do whatever you want with them”. Hearing those words, I began to smile.


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