Perfect beginning

I’m hearing something. It’s ringing loud, I can’t see anything. Slowly, I became aware that I’m in the middle of my sleep, and the situation demands me to blast that thing out of my room. But I’m too tired to do that. I can hardly open my eyes. Luckily my hands found it  without opening my eyes. After that it’s complete silence again, and slowly I drifted back to deep slumber. It’s again ringing! This time, I had enough energy to open my eyes, stop that ringing thing, and finally to switch on the lights.

It was 4:00 in the morning. Sleep was calling me back, but I was never the one to surrender. I waddled my way to the washbasin with half opened eyes, and delicate steps.

I looked everywhere, but it can’t be found. This is happening almost every day. I suspect that it walks by itself during my sleep. After a much laborious search I found it in the corner of my room. The shoes, the ever evading killer of my time! 

I can hear the chirping of the birds, signaling that I’m getting late. Birds were right, I was actually late. The sky was brightening up. With no further thoughts I ran along the foot path with medium intensity, and then lowering it to typical jogging speed. I can feel the trickles of sweat flowing from my head. After covering a significant distance, I saw people. Some alone, some doing the more talking and less jogging. 

Right now, I feel peace, calmness added with the golden rays of sunshine. The heart is pumping at its full intensity, distributing all kinds of good feelings into my body. From here I can spot my favorite seating spot, and after getting there in quick time, I took a deep breath. Flowers were falling from the tree beside me added with small amounts of wind. Everything around me aligned  perfectly to give me this fairy tale moment. The one which I want everyday for the rest of my life. The wind carrying flowers, the golden sunshine, the calmness generated inside my body after a long run. What else can I ask for a perfect beginning to the day? After giving a strict warning to my ever evading time killer, I slowly walked back to my home. 


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