Living in the moment

Everything is dark. I can feel water below my waist, and it’s chilly. I need to wake up. Where I’m I? This place doesn’t look familiar, and why I’m I in the water in the first place? I cannot remember anything, everything is so cloudy. I don’t see human presence here, only some occasional seagulls. Maybe I need to swim to the shore, leaving this capsized boat behind. 

Swimming was never easy, I had to make a lot of effort to get to the shore. After getting there, I was exhausted, and my memory was a bit foggy, remembering things were little difficult. So, I just stopped, and focused my attention to finding a source of water that I can drink. I walked endlessly, and finally the moment came when I’m on the ground blacked out. 

I could hear voices around me, and slowly I opened my eyes. Luckily, someone was ready with a bottle of water. I never enjoyed water like this before, tasting every drop and was still longing for more. They gave me every bottle of water they had, and I was slowly recovering. The sun was shining above me, and it was intense. By the heat of the sun, I expect the time to be afternoon.

Looking around, I started to notice people more closely. They looked civilised, and that means I’m not on an unknown island with tribal people, and they are also speaking my language. I felt a little relaxed, and as time progressed, I was able to remember things about the events of last night, and how I ended up in the water. Everything was crystal clear to me. 

After some time, people began to move on, and I sat down looking at the sea, it’s endless tides. The cool sea breeze brought some amount of comfort against the intense heat. This is the first time in a long time, I’m sitting anywhere without life’s fast rush and any planning for the day. It’s addicting. I take it as a time to reflect on my life. Where did I go wrong, and what’s the step forward. Pondering on these thoughts, I just looked at the seagulls, flying in unison, ruling the sky. I got kind of envious towards them. They are not chasing anything in particular, and they don't care what happens the next day or moment. They just fly, making small stops to collect food, and launching back into the sky. I wish I was one among them, living in the moment, not caring about what’s in store for my future.


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