
I’m tired and so sleepy, why I’m I doing this? Doing it every night makes me sick, but after five minutes into it, it’s something else. As usual, I will try to tell you almost all the things that happened today. Is that ok? I know you are smiling now, even though I can’t see your lips, it’s all white. Wish I could see you, but all I could see is the white paper with the date on it. Should I call you diary? I don’t think so, it will be too formal. Then, what will I call you? I need to think deeply about it. Now, Let’s talk about today. As usual, I woke up screaming at 4:00 AM and everyone in my home. It’s not an once in a week event, it’s almost happening daily. I wish I could do something about it. I’m the alarm that wakes up everyone in my home.

I wish I had done that an hour later. Then it’s all okay for everyone, and I have successfully replaced the alarm clock. Once I wake up, I try to stay away from bed because I don’t want to see another nightmare. One per night, that’s all I can handle, anything more than that is unimaginable.

Now, let’s come to the happenings of the day. As usual I went to the hall in the early morning and switched on the TV, then it’s all entertainment till 9:00 clock. As I don’t have any job, I need to do something, right? So, I just wander around the house doing meaningless tasks just to vanquish the boredom in me, and it will be finished in almost one or two hours. 

Sometimes, I just drift off into my inner world, mostly thinking about the night. I know, One day I have to put a sword right into the heart of the daemons that gives me nightmares, but I don’t know how. The dreams just keep repeating every night, and everyone is concerned about me. I can’t blame them because they also wake up listening to my screaming. By now, it would be noon, and that means time to chat while dining. Yeah, I know we are not supposed to talk while eating, but I love doing that. All the other dining companions hate it, and sometimes they ask me to shut up. You might think that it would derail my habit of talking while eating, but it does not. I just keep talking until everyone just gets fed up and leaves. What a pleasure! 

4:00 PM, that’s my cue to enter social media, I just take my smartphone and start texting, poking every innocent person. I don’t care how good people are, and I just don’t show any mercy, and I like playing mind games with people. Luckily, there is a poke option in social media, just for this purpose. Sometimes, people poke back and that means they have fallen into my bait, I don’t know for sure and that’s what I believe. It gives me the direction for how to move forward. You might think I’m alone in this enterprise, but you are wrong. Sometimes, I become the victim. That’s how now my social media works, full of deception. Like this, social media takes out my major portion of the day, and I think they should pay me for making their enterprise entertaining. Going through the news feed, my time flies. Finally, after filling out my belly, it’s time to go to sleep. Occasionally, I think these nightmares are happening because of my daily activities, like my evilness percolating in social media. But, it’s a bad way of thinking. Because I’m not alone in this, and everyone is doing this. Yeah, this should be the last thing to say. It's time to sleep. Hope you have a good sleep unlike me. Wishing you a good night, my diary. Thanks for being a wonderful listener. Bye.


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