My college life

When I entered that college, I hoped to put an end to the unending search for a friend, but they were so bent on abusing me and I couldn’t even understand what they were doing to me. That hope had life till the last day, and I continued to take hits without complaints. I was never looking for any kind of romance, and behind that happy face I have shown outside, there was someone who was crying inside. As a kid, everyone used to ask me why are you so silent? I didn’t know why they kept asking me that question, I was completely normal. I was doing battles within me when they were finding ways to torture me. It was not that I couldn’t react, it was because I was searching for a friend in everyone I met there. That’s why I couldn’t react to anything that was being thrown at me. To make things worse, they were creating traps for me, which made me highly uncomfortable. All I wanted there was someone to talk to, and all they did was abuse me, take advantage of my feelings and I have no good memories about that college, I ended upon only more damaged than ever before. I wish I could erase that part of my life from my memory.

Right now, you can understand the level of hurt they have caused me, and If I get a chance to give it back to them, I will give it back with full interest. So, I have only one thing to say to them, don’t give me a chance to destroy you, I would do with all the pleasure in the world. Stay away.

They think they are so smart, but actually they are only dumb. All they know about life is the bullshits they have done in their school life, and they are coming with that against me. What a pity. I know the things they do and why, because all of them are the same wicked bastards. One day, I’m going to see them all rot for the things they have done to me, and that day is not far away.

Their strategy to trap me was very weird. First, they tried to make me question me my self-worth, and then they tried to show me sympathy like I’m someone needing help. That’s how their plan went upside down. I didn’t need their sympathy, and I wasn’t even looking for a love life. Another mistake they did was they chose someone who is capable of showing no emotions, and things don’t work like that. It was like a dead body staring at me, and they expected me to have a heart attack with that. Dumb tactics.

I was sitting on a corner, minding my own business without hurting anyone, taking in all the abuses without even knowing they were treating me wrong. Then they tried to trap me, but I was going on with my life without minding anything, but I got trapped when someone acted like my friend to screw me up and I couldn’t understand his evil intentions. I was beginning to open up to him, then time showed me why I shouldn’t have.

If I had someone to open up to, then I wouldn’t have fallen into his trap. He set it all up, and at that time I trusted him so blindly. He convinced me that he was talking on behalf of her. It was a setup. Then they framed me for the things I haven’t done.

Months went past, I was damaged inside out, thanks to the folks at home and all the relatives. They made my life as horrible as it can be. Then one day, God found me, and I was saved.


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