My thoughts

If I’m going to die within two days, would I spend my time doing programming and make money? It’s an interesting question - What should I do? Even if I’m going to die within a year, would I still do it? What a boring kind of way to live.

As a kid, I used to play GTA and use cheat codes to load money into my account. One wisdom I found with that game is that no matter how much money I had, it was of no use. It was all numbers.

So, what should I do with my life? Should I spend my time doing coding when there are so many interesting things to do in this world?

When it comes to cars, I’m not the speeding type, and all cars does the same and they don’t fly. I’m the one who slows down and enjoys the view, not the zero to sixty in three seconds. So, why do I need so much money?

All the beautiful things in the world are free of cost. So, why do people need so much money and why should I follow their footsteps? Imagine watching the sunrise at early morning after waking up at five, that warmth when the sun’s rays touch our body, going for a long evening walk and watching the sunset, the fragrance of earth when rain comes after a long time, feeling the wind, and the list goes on and on. Do they come at a price tag? Still people are so stupid to spend their days working without even getting sunlight. They are like vampires when they come out of their offices, and the question is should I become one?


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