
I can feel my heartbeat getting faster, but I don’t want to stop. I need to push myself towards the finish line. Looking around, I don’t see any opponents nor any audience, it’s just me and the track. No one is cheering, or motivating me, and I’m doing this for myself. I know, no one will ever appreciate what I’m doing now, and there is only one person that is capable of doing that. It’s me.  As I’m sprinting towards the finish line, I want to take a moment, to feel the air, to breathe in, deeper as I can, and feel every grain of sand as I take one step after another. 

Until this time, I was only focusing on crossing that finish line, and completely ignored the beauty around me. Now, as I’m running, I’m starting to smile, seeing things more vividly, enjoying the wind as I cruise through it. I can easily give up this race of mine, because nobody knows I’m in one. But, I won’t do that. At the end of the day, all I expect is an applause from myself, and that’s all that matters. 


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